SG2042 Newsletter (2023-07-28 #001)

Editor’s Note

Welcome to the first issue of SG2042 Newsletter! SG2042 is a 64-core RISC-V high-performance processor launched by SOPHGO. Products equipped with SG2042 are already available on the market, such as the Pioneer Board from Milk-V. SG2042 brings new possibilities for the RISC-V ecosystem. We are very excited about the possible explosive growth and hope to record the rapid development of SG2042 through this newsletter.

The content of this issue is divided into the following parts: the highlighted part shows the latest exciting progress; the upstream link introduces the upstream progress of SG2042 in various open source projects; the application case shows people’s interesting innovations around SG2042; the news collection is a summary of news from across the world. Finally, the event and competition sections collect and share information about SG2042-related university competitions and industry summits.



At present, the relevant code of SG2042 is still being sorted out and improved, and there are not many patchesets that have been submitted upstream for code review. We expect to start upstream in the next few weeks.

Most of the code is already open source and can be obtained from repositories such as github/SOPHGO. The following are some commonly used repo resources:

Linux kernel

  • SG2042 and Milk-V Pioneer devicetree and config
  • SG2042 SPIFMC driver (for SPI flash)
  • SG2042 drivers for thermal management, fans, and power management


GitHub - sophgo/u-boot: "Das U-Boot" Source Tree 2023-03 to 07

  • SG2042 config file and basic support
  • SG2042 SDHC drivers for microSD slot on board


GitHub - sophgo/opensbi: RISC-V Open Source Supervisor Binary Interface 2023-03 to 06

  • Milk-V Pioneer power management drivers
  • Miscellaneous stability and performance improvements

Case Study

We’re looking for fun, good, or profitable use cases for the SG2042. Contributions are welcome to share your experience. Just send a PR to us!

Events and Games

In the News

News from Japanese, Korean, Russian and other language communities.

Not yet. We are recruiting multilingual volunteers and interns. Welcome to join us! Please email Wei Wu if you are interested in being an open source community intern.

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