hi, I use gc2083 to test the program(bind VI to Venc, and try to read 1 frame):
cv1800b test camera VI/VENC with gc2083 (github.com)
I have tested my camera by Milk-V Duo 摄像头VLC拉流 (2023-08-17 更新) - Duo - MilkV Community. I can get stream on PC.
while using my own program, the debug info:
[root@milkv-duo]~# ./mycamera
[camera_VI_init]-149: common pool[0] BlkSize 3110400
ISP Vipipe(0) Allocate pa(0x83640000) va(0x0x3fe7235000) size(291016)
stSnsrMode.u16Width 1920 stSnsrMode.u16Height 1080 25.000000 wdrMode 0 pstSnsObj 0x9dba8
[SAMPLE_COMM_VI_StartMIPI]-483: sensor 0 stDevAttr.devno 0
awbInit ver 6.8@2021500
0 R:1400 B:3100 CT:2850
1 R:1500 B:2500 CT:3900
2 R:2300 B:1600 CT:6500
Golden 1024 1024 1024
WB Quadratic:0
ViPipe:0,===GC2083 1080P 30fps 10bit LINE Init OK!===
Module: [MIPI_RX], Build Time[#1 PREEMPT Mon May 22 03:45:41 CST 2023]
------------Combo DEV ATTR--------------
Devno WorkMode DataType WDRMode LinkId PN Swap SyncMode DataEndian SyncCodeEndian
0 MIPI RAW10 NONE 2, 1, 3, 0, 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 N/A N/A N/A
------------MIPI info-------------------
Devno EccErr CrcErr HdrErr WcErr fifofull decode
0 0 0 0 0 0 unknown
Physical: D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
0 0 0 0 0 0
Digital: D0 D1 D2 D3 CK_HS CK_ULPS CK_STOP CK_ERR Deskew
hs_idle hs_idle hs_idle hs_idle 0 0 0 0 idle
[VI BE_Dbg_Info]
VIPreBEDoneSts :0x0 VIPreBEDmaIdleStatus :0x0
[VI Post_Dbg_Info]
VIIspTopStatus :0x0
[VI DMA_Dbg_Info]
VIWdma0ErrStatus :0x0 VIWdma0IdleStatus :0x0
VIWdma1ErrStatus :0x0 VIWdma1IdleStatus :0x0
VIRdmaErrStatus :0x0 VIRdmaIdleStatus :0x0
VIPreFERawDbgSts :0x0 VIPreFEDbgInfo :0x0
VIOutImgWidth :1920
VIOutImgHeight :1080
VIInImgWidth :1920
VIInImgHeight :1080
VIDevFPS : 0
VISofCh0Cnt : 0
VIPreFECh0Cnt : 0
VIPreBECh0Cnt : 0
VIPostCnt : 0
VIDropCnt : 0
VIDumpCnt : 0
[VI ISP_PIPE_A Csi_Dbg_Info]
VICsiIntStatus0 :0x0
VICsiIntStatus1 :0x0
VICsiCh0Dbg :0x0
VICsiCh1Dbg :0x0
VICsiOverFlowCnt : 0
VICsiCh0WidthGTCnt : 0
VICsiCh0WidthLSCnt : 0
VICsiCh0HeightGTCnt : 0
VICsiCh0HeightLSCnt : 0
It seems the camera not working normaly? as the fps is always 0.
Is there any problem in my program?