SG2042 Newsletter (2024-03-08 #032)

Editor’s Note

Welcome to the thirty-second issue of the SG2042 Newsletter. We are pleased to announce that the competition phase of the first “RISC-V Software Porting and Optimization Championship” has been successfully completed!


  • The first “RISC-V Software Porting and Optimization Championship” has entered the judging phase, and the competition has closed. The expert judging team will review the received PR over the next three weeks. The results and winning teams will be announced on the official platform. Please stay tuned for the official announcements.

    Related news


Most of the code is already open-source and can be obtained from repositories such as Sophgo Technologies · GitHub. The following are some useful repo resources:

Linux kernel


  • No commits this week


  • No commits this week

Case Study

We’re looking for fun, good, or profitable use cases for SG2042. Feel free to share your experiences with us - just send a PR!

Events and Games

In the News

News from Japanese, Korean and other language communities

Not ready yet. We are recruiting multilingual volunteers and interns. Welcome to join us! Please email Wei Wu if you are interested in being an open source community intern.