SG2042 Newsletter (2023-10-13 #012)

Editor’s Note

Welcome to the twelfth issue of the SG2042 Newsletter. Special thanks in this issue to developer @duoqilai for her great support to the open-source community and extensive research on Milk-V Duo. Collaboration and support are crucial in the open-source community as they drive the development and advancement of open-source technologies. Thanks again to all the developers for their great support!


  • Thanks to developer @duoqilai for the contribution, which has brought about many research achievements related to Milk-V Duo. We hope to see more related research and support in the future!

    Personal Homepage


Most of the code is already open-source and can be obtained from repositories such as Sophgo Technologies · GitHub. The following are some useful repo resources:

Linux kernel

  • Sophgo Community work: GitHub - sophgo/linux-riscv: Linux kernel stable tree

    • Device tree configuration
    • Fix the bug in memblock
    • Miscellaneous stability and performance improvements
  • Linux Official Community Upstream work:

    • After 5 rounds of code review and iteration, preliminary kernel support for Milk-V Pioneer/SG2042 has been merged into linux-next, and it will land on the mainline after the merge window of version 6.7 is opened.


  • No commits this week


  • No commits this week

Case Study

We’re looking for fun, good, or profitable use cases for SG2042. Feel free to share your experiences with us - just send a PR!

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News from Japanese, Korean and other language communities

Not ready yet. We are recruiting multilingual volunteers and interns. Welcome to join us! Please email Wei Wu if you are interested in being an open source community intern.